How to care for Sulcata

Sulcata Tortoises, also known as African Spurred Tortoises, are a popular pet choice for many reptile enthusiasts. These large, docile creatures can grow to over 200 pounds and live up to 100 years, making them a long-term commitment for any pet owner. However, a sulcata can make a loving and fascinating companion with proper care and attention.

Housing: The first and most important aspect of caring for sulcata is providing them with a suitable enclosure. Sulcatas can grow quite large, so it’s important to plan for a long-term enclosure to accommodate their size. A minimum enclosure size for an adult sulcata should be at least 8′ x 8′ x 4′, and even larger for a breeding pair. The enclosure should also have a warm basking area and access to UVB lighting. This will provide them with the heat and light they need to stay healthy and active.

Diet: Sulcatas are herbivores and need a diet high in fibre, including grasses, hay, and leafy greens. They also require a source of calcium to keep their shells strong. A diet of only grass hay, such as timothy hay or orchard grass, is not nutritionally complete for sulcatas, and should be supplemented with other leafy greens and vegetables. Fruits should be avoided as they are high in sugar and can lead to obesity and other health issues.

Water: Sulcatas also need access to a shallow dish of water for drinking and soaking. These tortoises are known for being heavy drinkers and can consume large amounts of water in a single day. It’s important to change the water and clean the dish regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Read Sulcata Tortoises: The Complete Guide to Buying, Caring For, and Feeding

Cleaning: Finally, it’s important to keep the enclosure clean to prevent the buildup of bacteria and to maintain good hygiene. This includes cleaning the water dish and hide box regularly, as well as removing any uneaten food or faeces. The enclosure should also be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent the spread of disease.

In conclusion, sulcata tortoises are fascinating and loving pets that can bring joy to their owners for many years. However, they are a long-term commitment that requires proper care and attention. By providing them with a suitable enclosure, a healthy diet, access to water and shelter, and regular cleaning, you can ensure that your sulcata will live a happy and healthy life.