Albino Chinese Soft-Shell (c.b. babies)


Albino Chinese Soft-Shell (c.b. babies)

Albino Chinese Soft-Shell Turtle for Sale

Albino Chinese Soft-Shell Turtle Description

Albino Chinese Soft-Shell Turtles, also known as Florida Softshell Turtles (Apalone ferox), are olive-green to brown in color. They can be identified by their soft, rubbery shell and long noses. These turtles can grow over 2 feet long and live up to 20 years if properly cared for.

Habitat and Tank Requirements

This species is native to Southern North America. They thrive in a habitat with a soft, sandy substrate and plenty of clean water. The water temperature should be maintained around 70-75°F with a pH of 6-7. A water filter is essential to help maintain clean water. Choose a filter wisely; a small pump will leave the water dirty, while a powerful pump may filter out beneficial microorganisms needed for a healthy pH balance.

Adding aquatic plants will improve water quality, enhance the habitat’s appearance, and provide a place for your turtle to bask. Include rocks or wood to give your turtle resting spots. Florida Softshell Turtles should be kept alone or in a spacious enclosure. Overcrowded softshells can become territorial, so ensure there is enough room for each turtle to claim its own space.

These turtles do well with an ambient temperature of 70-80°F. LEDs or other low-wattage light bulbs are best for maintaining these temperatures. A basking area should be kept at about 90°F. Use a ceramic heat emitter or a reptile basking light for this purpose. Heat rocks are not recommended as they can burn your turtle.


Florida Softshell Turtles are mainly carnivorous. They will feed on small crickets, mealworms, wax worms, feeder fish, pinkie mice, and shrimp, as well as floating turtle pellets. It is recommended to dust their food with calcium to prevent bone softening.


Allow your turtle time to become accustomed to its new home before handling them extensively. Gradual handling over time helps the animal get used to you and reduces stress.


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