Eastern Painted Turtle


Having difficulty buying Eastern Painted Turtles? Contact us through Email: sales@thetortoisenturtlesource.com, .


Eastern Painted Turtle for Sale

Eastern Painted Turtle for Sale

The Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta picta) is native to the eastern United States and thrives in warm areas. This turtle is characterized by its brown or black shell adorned with a distinctive white stripe down its back. It also features a long, black tail.

Characteristics and Behavior:

The Eastern Painted Turtle is a moderately large, slow-moving turtle that inhabits areas with warm climates. It feeds on small animals and often constructs its home in soft soil or sand. These turtles are known for their protective nature, making them excellent “watchdogs” for their habitats. They are well-suited for both small tanks and larger community setups. Once they exceed three inches, they also make fine additions to outdoor ponds.


Eastern Painted Turtles are true omnivores. Their diet includes most water plants, pellets, insects, fish, worms, crustaceans, romaine lettuce, and meat. These colorful turtles are active and love to bask, quickly learning to come to feeding hands. They are an excellent choice for both beginning and intermediate keepers.

Size and Lifespan:

Eastern Painted Turtles typically reach an average length of 4.5 to 6 inches (11.5 to 15.2 cm), with the Virginia record length being 7 inches (17.9 cm) and the overall record length being 7.2 inches (18.2 cm). Males tend to be smaller than females, making it important to understand the Eastern Painted Turtle size for both males and females. With proper care, these turtles can enjoy a long lifespan.

Habitat and Tank Size:

Eastern Painted Turtles thrive in habitats that mimic their natural environment. This includes warm, clean water and plenty of basking spots. When setting up a tank, ensure it is spacious enough to accommodate their active nature. The recommended Eastern Painted Turtle tank size is crucial for their well-being.

Conservation Status:

While the Eastern Painted Turtle is not currently endangered, it’s essential to support conservation efforts to maintain their populations. Understanding the Eastern Painted Turtle’s conservation status helps ensure their future in the wild.

Contact Us: Having difficulty buying Eastern Painted Turtles? Contact us through Email: sales@thetortoisenturtlesource.com, .


 What is the Eastern Painted Turtle’s scientific name?

The scientific name is Chrysemys picta picta.

What is the average size of an Eastern Painted Turtle?

They typically range from 4.5 to 6 inches in length, with record sizes reaching up to 7.2 inches.

What is the lifespan of an Eastern Painted Turtle?

With proper care, Eastern Painted Turtles can live for several decades.

What should be included in their diet?

They are omnivores and will eat water plants, pellets, insects, fish, worms, crustaceans, romaine lettuce, and meat.

 What tank size is suitable for an Eastern Painted Turtle?

A spacious tank that mimics their natural habitat is recommended.

Are Eastern Painted Turtles good for beginners?

Yes, they are an excellent choice for both beginning and intermediate keepers.

What is their conservation status?

They are not currently endangered, but conservation efforts are essential to ensure their populations remain stable.

Can they be kept outdoors?

Yes, once they are over three inches, they can be kept in outdoor ponds.

For more information on Eastern Painted Turtles, including their size, habitat, diet, and care, feel free to reach out to us. Discover the joy of owning one of these beautiful and fascinating turtles today!