Two-Headed Turtles for Sale



Unique Two-Headed Red Eared Slider

Introducing one of the nicest Two-Headed Red Eared Sliders available, this turtle will be a yearling in early July. Boasting a straight, nearly perfect shell, this unique turtle exhibits perfect health. Both heads are very outgoing and eat well, often moving in unison. This unusual coordination, with both outside eyes working together while the inside eyes remain more cautious, sets it apart even among other two-headed turtles. This turtle is an excellent candidate for reaching full maturity and living a long life. Two-Headed Turtles for Sale

Care and Maintenance

Despite its rarity, the care for this two-headed turtle is similar to that of normal Red Eared Sliders. Red Eared Sliders are the most common turtles available worldwide and make excellent starter turtles. Adults can brighten up outdoor ponds in nearly all US temperature zones. They thrive in tanks, water and land setups, and can be kept with most other species.

Red Eared Sliders are frequent baskers, often piling on top of each other for the best sunning position. In community setups, Red Eared Sliders often help other species tame down quickly. They are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, and mollusks.

Important Shipping Information

Please note that Red Eared Sliders cannot be shipped to Virginia or Florida. However, rarer color morphs of Red Eared Sliders, such as Albino Red Ears, Pastel Red Ears, Hypo Red Ears, and Ghost Red Ears, can be shipped to Florida. For any questions, please contact us.


For those seeking a truly unique and fascinating pet, this two-headed Red Eared Slider is an exceptional choice. With proper care, this turtle will not only thrive but also bring endless fascination to your collection.