Sulcata Tortoise for sale

Original price was: $1,400.0.Current price is: $1,100.0.

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Baby $250

Juvenile $400

Adult $650

Male and female sulcata tortoises‘ notches don’t look exactly the same. Those of females are markedly more circular in outline, which makes depositing eggs simpler. The males‘ anal scutes tend to be broader.

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Sulcata Tortoise for sale Male and female sulcata tortoises‘ notches don’t look exactly the same. Those of females are markedly more circular in outline, which makes depositing eggs simpler. The males‘ anal scutes tend to be broader.

Geochelone sulcata is a hardy and personable species of tortoise. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, it became part of the lucrative pet trade during the 1990s. It has an engaging nature, is attractive and sells for anywhere

Although it’s legal to keep tortoises as pets in California, owners need to apply for a permit to own desert tortoises that are native to the area. Sulcata tortoises, hailing from Africa, are exempt from this permitting process — but they are not necessarily the ideal pets for every family.

Sulcata tortoises, also referred to as the African spurred or African spur thigh tortoise is one of the most common tortoises kept as pets. Hatchings are 1.5-2in in length, but with proper conditions, they can gain 5-10lb a year. Older adults can reach over 100lbs!

Conservation. Sulcata tortoises are listed currently as vulnerable by the IUCN, the world’s leading conservation organization. They are threatened by habitat loss and over-collection for the pet trade.

Sulcata tortoises lay up to 60 eggs per clutch, therefore they are considered a cheap tortoise for sale. As a rule of thumb, price shoppers are going to find the best prices within the larger tortoise breeds.