Kleinman’s Tortoise for sale


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Kleinman’s Tortoise, also known as the Egyptian Tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni), is one of the rarest and most cherished tortoises. Found only in the Nile Delta and the Sinai Desert, these tortoises inhabit sandy, gravelly deserts and dry woodlands. Kleinman’s Tortoise for Sale

Habitat and Behavior

Egyptian tortoises are known for their unique adaptation to the desert environment. They often dig below ground to escape the intense heat. Their long, golden-yellow legs enable them to walk high off the ground, minimizing contact with the hot desert surface.

Diet and Care

Kleinman’s Tortoises favor a diet rich in greens, vegetables, and occasional fruits. They also take insects and other protein sources occasionally. Being a desert species, they should never have a water bowl but benefit from constant access to greens and short, shallow soakings—three times a week for hatchlings, twice a week for yearlings and two-year-olds, and once a week for adults.

Size and Protection Status

Adults reach only 4-5 inches, making them one of the world’s smallest tortoises. Due to extensive habitat destruction and over-collection, Kleinman’s Tortoises are granted the highest CITES protection (Appendix I) and are on the fast track for extinction. Researchers call for urgent measures to save this species.

Breeding and Availability

In the US, only a small number of breeders have successfully hatched this tiny tortoise, which typically lays only one egg at a time. Their golden-yellow coloring and friendly demeanor make them a pleasure to keep for dedicated tortoise enthusiasts.


Each tortoise order comes with a free starter sample of the same diet your tortoise has been raised on.

Keywords: Kleinman’s Tortoise for sale

Choose Option

Cb hatching, cb well started baby, cb yearling


Male, Female


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