Horsefield tortoise(Russian Tortoises)


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Horsefield tortoise(Russian Tortoises).The Russian tortoise, also know as the Horsefield tortoise, is small in size and ranges from 13 to 25 cm in length which is equal to around 5 to 10 inches. Females Horsefield tortoise is only a bit larger in size. Females are slightly bigger in size because the species are sexually dimorphic. Male Horsefield tortoises have larger tales that are tucked towards the side. Female shells have scutes which are not present in males…. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body is brown or straw yellow. Horsefield tortoises have four toes.

  • Horsefiedl tortoise is found in different colors. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body is brown or straw yellow. Horsefield tortoises have four toes.
  • Horsefiedl tortoise is found in different colors. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body is brown or straw yellow. Horsefield tortoises have four toes.
  • Horsefiedl tortoise is found in different colors. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body
  • Horsefiedl tortoise is found in different colors. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body is brown or straw yellow. Horsefield tortoises have four toes.
  • Horsefiedl tortoise is found in different colors. The outer shell is generally black or ruddy brown that fades to yellow between the scutes. The body is brown or straw yellow.Russian hatch-lings,babies,sub-adults and adults ready for sales.Purchase your tortoise with us here.Your big tortoise is a source of pleasure to you.You bought Russian tortoise so you can have more fun with family members and friends.Beautiful tortoises


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