fly river turtle for sale


Fly River Turtles are highly sought after by reptile enthusiasts due to their unique appearance and engaging behavior.

Fly River Turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) for Sale


fly river turtle for sale  The Fly River Turtle (Carettochelys insculpta), also known as the Pig-nosed Turtle, is a unique and fascinating species native to the freshwater rivers and streams of northern Australia and southern New Guinea. This aquatic turtle is the only freshwater species with flippers, resembling those of a sea turtle, making it an exceptional addition to any collection.


Fly River Turtles are easily recognizable by their pig-like snouts and large, flipper-like limbs. Their shells are smooth and leathery, ranging from olive to gray in color. As juveniles, their shells may exhibit a slightly serrated edge, which smooths out as they mature. Adults can reach sizes of up to 22 inches in length, with a streamlined, hydrodynamic body that is well-suited for their aquatic lifestyle.

Habitat and Care

These turtles thrive in large, well-maintained aquariums or ponds with ample swimming space. A suitable enclosure should include clean, filtered water and a basking area equipped with a UVB light to support healthy shell and bone development. Fly River Turtles prefer water temperatures between 78-86°F and require a pH level of 7.0-7.5.

A sandy or soft substrate is recommended to prevent injury to their delicate flippers and plastron. Additionally, providing hiding spots and aquatic plants can help create a more natural and enriching environment.


Fly River Turtles are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of plant and animal matter in the wild. Their diet can include aquatic vegetation, fruits, insects, crustaceans, and small fish. In captivity, a balanced diet should consist of high-quality commercial turtle pellets, fresh leafy greens, and occasional protein sources such as earthworms or fish.


Fly River Turtles are known for their active and inquisitive nature. They spend much of their time swimming and exploring their environment. These turtles can become quite personable with their keepers, often displaying curiosity and recognition.

Lifespan and Breeding

With proper care, Fly River Turtles can live for several decades, often exceeding 30 years in captivity. However, breeding in captivity is rare and requires specific conditions, including the simulation of seasonal changes and the provision of nesting areas.

Availability fly river turtle for sale

  • Fly River Turtles are highly sought after by reptile enthusiasts due to their unique appearance and engaging behavior. When looking for a Fly River Turtle for sale, it is essential to source from reputable breeders or suppliers who prioritize the health and well-being of their animals.


Owning a Fly River Turtle can be a rewarding experience for dedicated keepers. Their distinctive look and engaging personality make them a standout species in any collection. By providing the right environment, diet, and care, you can enjoy the companionship of this remarkable turtle for many years.



Baby, Juvenile, Adult


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