Albino Common Snapping Turtles



Albino Snapping Turtles for Sale

After nearly 20 years of dedicated work by one of America’s top turtle breeders, we are thrilled to introduce the Albino Snapping Turtle. These rare turtles have just hatched, showcasing a striking combination of whites, reds, yellows, and oranges. Unlike the typical black, knobby shell of a common snapper, these albinos display a creamy yellow/white shell, with pink and yellow skin, and bright red eyes. Albino Snapping Turtles for Sale

For the first time ever, we are offering two of these remarkable Albino Snapping Turtles for sale. Their care requirements are identical to those of normal-coloured snappers.

About Common Snapping Turtles

The Common Snapping Turtle is one of North America’s most recognizable fully aquatic turtles. They inhabit slow-moving, soft-bottomed bodies of water, both fresh and brackish, ranging from Nova Scotia to Mexico, east of the Rocky Mountains. In Florida, they are replaced by the Florida Snapping Turtle.

These turtles are true omnivores, consuming anything they can fit into their mouths. Juveniles actively forage for food, while adults prefer to be ambush predators. This behavior makes them excellent tank turtles, although they are not ideal for community tanks. Juvenile snappers have a tendency to mistake other turtles’ tails for worms.

Our snappers are fed a diet of pellets, cut fish, and beef, along with water plants. A study has shown that hatchlings imprint well on early food items, enhancing their growth and health.

Conservation and Care

Due to their popularity in the culinary world, wild populations of Common Snapping Turtles have suffered over the last century. Fortunately, many are now farm-raised in the US and abroad. While wild snappers are known for their aggressive nature, captive-raised ones can become fairly tame with regular handling. However, they retain a fierce feeding response, which fascinates keepers.

Important Notice: Please be aware that California, Oregon, and Washington states prohibit individuals from keeping Snapping Turtles. Therefore, we cannot ship to these states without special permits. Additionally, New York State only allows Florida Snapping Turtles, not Common Snapping Turtles, including albinos.